Healthy weight loss is a gradual process that requires patience and commitment. It is a process of losing weight in a manner that promotes long-term sustainability and overall health. Set Realistic Goals : Always set realistic weight loss goals that you can achieve easily and are not too extreme. Your aim must be to lose 1-2 pounds per week that is a safe and sustainable target.
Most popular protocol to lose weight is low carb diet
Like ketogenic diets that means the consumption of a lot of animals fats and animal proteins that can contribute to serious health problems like cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and keto allergies.
Which foods are best to lose weight in a healthy way
Plant-based foods are the healthiest choice to lose weight. There is a list of foods, we take a look how will they be helpful:
Fiber-rich foods fill up your stomach without consuming so many calories, gives you a feeling of satiation and fullness. Fiber content also controls blood sugar levels and thus the release of insulin following meals.
Water-rich foods will add up volume and weight without adding calories. You can use fruits and vegetables high in water content. They nourish you because they are rich in nutrients and add fewer calories to your body. Different fruits and vegetables rich in fiber and water content are a big source of vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function perfectly.
Plant-based foods promoting weight loss
Green Leafy Vegetables :
Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, collard green
are low-calorie, high-nutrient foods help you lose weight because
they contain structures called thylakoids which can help reduce
your appetite.
Berries :
All forms of berries like raspberries, blueberries, strawberries
and blackberries regulate blood glucose levels and help in weight loss.
Celery :
Also known as a “negative – calorie” food. It does help in losing
excess body weight by helping with body metabolism.
Whole Grains :
Whole grains are really amazing for healthy weight loss strategy.
In addition to providing fiber content, they boost resting metabolic
Grapefruit :
When you eat grapefruit, it adds fewer calories but also adding
good amount of fiber, water and nutrients to your body.
Apples :
According to many studies eating apples is associated with weight loss as apples contain high water content and good amount of soluble fiber.
Avocados :
Avocados are full of good fats adding healthy fats to our diet and providing feeling of fullness.
In addition, legumes and fermented foods are also included in the list of weight loss friendly foods.
What Are Other Factors Helpful In Healthy Weight Loss
Create A Caloric Deficit :
You must watch your portions of meals you are taking. It’s a simple rule that your caloric intake should be less and consumption should be more means you have to burn more and more calories.
Eat healthy and balanced diet
When you are determined to lose weight in a healthy way you must be restricted to a balanced diet only. The purpose should be that the food you take, fulfills your body needs and you don’t gain extra weight.
Exercise Regularly :
Regular exercise is an important component in the journey towards healthy weight loss. It is helpful to consume extra calories and keeps body in shape.
Enough sleep: Sleep duration of 7-8 hours is very important for losing weight in a healthy way.
Stress Management: By means of yoga and meditation anxiety and stress can be overcome. Stress and anxiety may lead to addiction of certain types of foods and in turn over eating.
Proper Hydration
Generally, 8to 10 glasses per day recommended to maintain proper hydration. When we take plenty of fluids including water, tendency to eat too much is also reduced.
Avoid crash diets or extreme workouts
Crash programmers both in case of diet and exercise are not good for so many reasons including low metabolic rate, dehydration, tendency for gallstones and damage to heart.
Seek Support through friends , family and groups to help you achieve your goal
If you are trying hard to achieve your target to lose weight but still not successful then seek some help and support from your dear ones to follow all necessary steps in order to lose weight.